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Bertram Bear and the Rivals

New neighbours come to live in Coombes Corner with cats that have very bad attitudes namely, Pinch and Punch. Those are the rivals as far as the animals are concerned....


The Sussex Newspaper’s Book Of The Year 2019 has been awarded to Gregory's first book aimed at children - The Adventures of Bertram Bear

Gregory writes: "I was completely overwhelmed that I had won an accolade..."

Gregory Gower

Gregory Gower was born in 1935 so growing up and schooling were mixed with a world in turmoil. Most persons have the luxury of not experiencing bombs being dropped on them.......

The Adventures of Bertram Bear

What was so special about Bertram Bear?

When Brian goes to sleep, Bertram and his friends come to life and their adventures begin!

With the help of his animal friends, Bertram must save the day without being seen by Brian and his family......

A Joyride to Murder & The Steal plus 12 Short Stories

Detective Inspector Wragg of New Scotland Yard – just transferred up from the county of Kent had been thrown into the thick of things that seemed to be happening in London. His po-face and wry sense of humour were his greatest assets.....

Mistaken Identity and Short Stories

Roland James, our hero, recently bereaved who dominates the first part of the story and is mistaken for someone else, but soon becomes a target for another reason.........

(Click "Read More" for a complete short story from the book: The Computer)

I Remember it Well.... and other short stories

A selection of stories of murder, mystery, adventure, fantasy, drama and farce...

A Touch of Heaven.... and other short stories

Short stories from the master story teller Gregory Gower's. From "A Touch of Heaven" to the wonderfully sublime "Me and My Shadow", these stories of the magical wonders of life will leave you spellbound....

Christmas is Coming.... stories and sketches

Festive tales of mystery, murder and suspense from the master story teller....

Coming Soon to a Page Near You

Hopefully more books will be published in the coming months...

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A Touch of Heaven and Other Short Stories

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...... the first few paragraphs

Mike had been out of work for some time. He had been a van driver for a Horticultural Company and had been made redundant with four months severance pay. In some ways he was pleased about losing the job. It was tiring work and handling chemicals was smelly and filthy.

Mike decided to go into business for himself and he had managed to scrape together enough cash to purchase the company’s van, which was destined to go on the scrap heap. He thought that gardening would be an ideal pursuit, mainly because he had the necessary tools to hand.

He had never moved away from his parents house, they had divorced and had gone their separate ways, leaving him to fend for himself. They were the early days – he was now 29 and not looking forward to his 30th birthday which would be in three months time.

Mike never married, although he had been engaged twice, but both of his suitable intended brides-to-be found other partners, latterly because they could not stand the chemical smell that seemed to emanate from Mike’s clothing.

He placed two advertisements, one in the local paper and the other on a postcard in the nearby newspaper shop and he received a phone call that same evening. It was from a Mrs. M Mace, although it was run-of-the-mill sort of name, it caught Mike off guard because his name was Mace.

He wrote down the name, address and telephone number on a scrap of paper he had ready by the phone. The lady caller had stated that he should visit the garden tomorrow and see what needed to be done and if he was suitable, he would be offered full time employment with a fixed rate of income in cash every week. Mike could not believe how lucky he was to have landed, it seemed, on two feet, and to be offered a job, on approval of course, if his face fitted.

Mike woke suddenly and sat bolt upright and looked towards the bedroom window. It appeared to be a very dull dark day.

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He arrived at the address. It was pouring with rain and the wind was so strong it had blown his umbrella inside out. The house looked very bright as if it had just been freshly painted. Mike knocked on the door.

The door opened and there stood an old lady. She had grey hair swept back in a bun and a rather smart grey two piece suit. She smiled and said “Hello Mike!” “Come on in!” Mike moved into the hall as the lady shut the front door. “Come on through into the lounge and let me have a proper look at you!” Mike hesitated for a moment and then followed. He said “How did you know I was Mike, I could have been anyone!” The lady said “I’m not expecting anybody else and as soon as I saw you through the window I was reminded that you looked like someone I used to know!” Mike was wondering whether he had made the right decision in coming.

The old lady spoke again “We needed someone we could trust to tend the garden. Our daughter, Mary and her husband were involved in a fatal accident and we built this walled garden in their memory” .........................

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